Thrive Center Provides Free, Confidential, and Trauma Informed Support
We acknowledge that healing from Trauma looks different for everyone. Some survivors may want to pursue legal justice, while others may want to focus on other methods of healing – like therapy, support groups, individual support sessions, art therapy, spiritual healing, peer support groups etc. Healing is a personal journey, and each person can decide which avenue(s) will allow them to regain power.
We take a survivor-centered approach. We create a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential space for victims and survivors to process their feelings, ask questions, request resources, work on adapting healthy coping mechanisms, safety planning, and work with an advocate who will help them navigate next steps and options. We believe you, and are here to listen and support your journey.
We provide information and options, but we never assume we know what is best for survivors on how to heal or how to seek justice. If a survivor decides to report to Law Enforcement we never share information with them unless we receive written consent from the victim/survivor. The victim/survivor is never pressured to share details of their story in order to be believed.

24 Hour Help Line
We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you are navigating new survivorship or past we are here to help.
Core Survivor Services
Support Sessions
Free and confidential individual support sessions are available to survivors, as well as their family, friends, intimate partners, and other secondary survivors.
Medical Advocacy
Advocates provide support during and after forensic exams to ensure you feel supported and understand the process and next steps.
Support Groups
We offer a variety of psychoeducational support groups for survivors of sexual/domestic violence & trafficking.
Legal Advocacy
Advocates are available to support you in working with the legal system so you understand your rights and options.
Resources & Referrals
Thrive offers resources to survivors & their families, as well as referrals to other community agencies to help support their journey

Our approach to survivor services
Thrive provides services that are trauma-informed, survivor-informed, victim-centered, choice based, and rooted in facilitating informed decision-making for survivors. Thrive provides services to victims of Sexual/Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Trafficking. We also provide services to secondary survivors of these victimizations (i.e. household members, witnesses, impacted friends/family members). We serve all ages, gender identities, and nationalities, and do not limit services on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other demographic.

Mission Statement:
To empower all victims and survivors of sexual/domestic violence and human trafficking through a respectful victim-centered response and holistic healing approach, providing victims and survivors choices of resources and support to improve their well-being while navigating the personal, social, emotional, and financial ramifications of victimization.